Make a Donation

Thank you for considering a donation!  Our team of volunteers uses funds raised to promote Perry, community events, and work toward achieving our objectives.

Have you heard about the Mayors Fund? It supports the sign and facade grant program. Donations to the Mayors Fund are matched by Mayor Hauser. If you give $100, he'll match it (up to an annual limit of $4,000.00).

Prefer Paper?

If you would like to "use paper" to make a donation, you are welcome to do so! Instructions are on the form below.

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Street Address 2
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Required disclosure: Financial information about Perry Main Street Association, Inc. may be obtained by contacting us at our principal place of business, which is PO Box 186, Perry, NY 14530 and the phone number 585-237-8715 or from from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau (Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10271). We have a 501(c)3 classification from the Internal Revenue Service. Thank you.

copyright (c) 2015-2025, Perry Main Street Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. || Contact us:

Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530